European Investors’ Autumn Event
The European Investors’ Autumn event in Brussels on “Fiduciary Duties for Investors“ was held on 13 September 2018. Over fifty guests participated in the lively debate that ensued after somewhat provoking remarks of prof John Kay.
Britain’s leading economist was our keynote speaker (download presentation), responding to the report of the High-Level Expert Group on sustainable finance. Prof Kay pointed to three different fiduciary relationships that exist and elaborate on the fiduciary duty within the investment chain. And, én passant, he also stated that over the years the investment chain has become overly complex and swamped.
In addition, Dr Andreas Zubrod (Union Asset Management Holding) and Anne-Marie Jourdan (Fonds de Reserve Pour Les Retraites) shared their view from a market perspective. Dr Zubrod made clear that investing based upon ESG-criteria is important. However, it is more math’s than morality because investors have to be able to make returns as well. Ms Jourdan welcomed the impact of the article 173 in France that instruct investors to report on ESG factors taken into account in their investment decision-making process.
The event gathered investors, asset managers, EU policy makers, pension funds, insurance companies, financial advisors, index providers, research providers, law firms and issuers from all over Europe.
Please find below a photo report, while the programme and conference paper can be downloaded from this page as well.
We are looking forward to seeing you again in 2019.
Paul Koster
Chairman European Investors
Kindly note that registration for the event was upon invitation only. In case you have not received an invitation, but you would like to attend next time, please send a request to our organiser (see the contact details below).
“European Investors is a pan-European organization representing investors in Europe.”
European Investors is a pan-European, not-for-profit and member-based organisation that aims to strengthen the representation of investors in Europe. European Investors represents investors in regulatory discussions, engages on behalf of long-term investors with listed companies, and initiates class actions to reclaim losses incurred by investors as a result of unlawful behaviour. All in all, European Investors’ objective is to enhance trust in European capital markets by promoting transparency, engagement and accountability.
Contact details
For further information and requests, please contact our organizer
Marcel Schulze | +31 624 869 475 |